Discover scientific papers that matters to you, fast. Measure the quality of papers for scientific soundness, not citations. Rate articles and contribute to a community-driven research evaluation system. Now in beta testing for iOS.
No more trawling through hundreds of new publications to find the handful relevant ones.
Scientific discipline, Journal name and PubMed keywords are just not enough to define your specific research field.
Science Factor delivers relevant content by using Machine Learning - your own custom model trained and stored in your iPhone.
One publications track, one Machine Learning model.
Create your account by confirming your previous publications. Or select few articles on topics of your interest if you haven't published articles yet.
Skim past 99% of irrelevant publications, automatically.
See what is relevant to you from PubMed.
Share or export your reading list.
Read your papers on your computer or in printed version, wherever you prefer.
Contribute to building a better research evaluation system.
Scan the articles you read and rate them for scientific soundness - 90 seconds of your time to contribute to a community-driven research evaluation system.
Built by scientists for scientists.
Science Factor is currently in beta testing. If you have an iPhone and are interested in joining the beta testing programme and contribute with your feedback, we would love to get in touch.
Would you like to get in touch? Drop us a tweet!